This video has been received as a forward. It shows a SU 30MK aircraft perform manoeuvres that would............ don't have appropriate words.
Watch it and ENJOY!!!
Hope no copyrights are being infringed. If they are, please let me know and I would delete the post. THANK YOU.
Now I will make an appointment for heart palpitation checkup.
I watched the similar manoeuvre in air show, is this flown by Indian fighter pilot? The display I'd seen in the air show was done by Russian pilot.
While watching it I was zapped ofcourse but at the same time cdnt help but imagine how much u must have enjoyed it....rewinding it again & again to catch the action minutely;-D
This display, I believe, is flown by a Russian test pilot, although I cannot say for sure, as this was received by me as a forward.